Tender Notice: System Upgrade and Maintenance of the Programme for the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture

  1. Invitation for Proposal

Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society Limited, hereunder refers as HKRRLS, manages the implementation of the Programme for the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture (“Programme”) for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) for the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026 (both dates inclusive) .


The Programme aims to achieve mutual benefits for the publishing sector and the HKPL, which is under the purview of the LCSD.  The LCSD provided funding to engage HKRRLS to implement the Programme which seeks to achieve the following policy targets –

(a)    Support Local Authorship and publications;

(b)   Encourage the local publishing sector to leverage on the e-platform; and

(c)    Promote a culture of quality reading in Hong Kong.


HKRRLS represents millions of publications published in Hong Kong and overseas, via its affiliation with the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. HKRRLS obtains licensing authority from mandates given by national rightsholders, and international repertoire through bilateral agreements with 43 international Reproduction Rights Organisations (RROs). HKRRLS is one of the six registered licensing bodies with the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department and has over 10 years of experience in copyright licensing, royalty collection and distribution.


HKRRLS aims to promote and advance the rights of copyright owners, raise public awareness and understanding of Hong Kong’s copyright laws, meet the needs of the local community who want access to published works by providing an economical, efficient one-stop shop for licensing the works around the world and to enforce the rights of those we represent both on a domestic and international basis. Under voluntary collective licensing, HKRRLS issues licences to copy the works of rightsholders it represents.

HKRRLS is not-for-profit organization with all income (including royalties from licensees and from RROs) after deduction of expenditure and certain necessary provisions are available for distribution to rightsholders.


The Programme offers a unique opportunity to bridge the HKPL and the publishing industry through numerous collaborations and promotion campaigns, events, and activities. HKRRLS acts as the executive agency for the Programme and through this collaboration with the LCSD, the publishing sector can provide more book data and promotional materials that will encourage members of the public to read more locally published books and enjoy a wider range of library services.


The Pilot period runs from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023, with funding from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Publishers only need to provide book data for titles published in Hong Kong that are included in the collection of the HKPL, and every year during the period they can receive Programme Fee on a per title basis through the Programme.

Prior to the Programme, HKPL online catalogue offered no cover image and relevant book data information of all Hong Kong publications. Whereas, most English books have cover image and additional information like Summary/Annotation, Book Review, First Chapter or Excerpt, Fiction/Biography Profile and Author Notes supplied by its vendor.

The Pilot Programme includes the launch of a new local book data database, providing digitized images of book cover, summaries/annotations, and other such materials on locally published titles in the collection of the HKPL and to link it to the online catalogue of the HKPL in order to display more comprehensive and detailed book data for the convenience of readers accessing library collections.


The Pilot Programme also provides promotion materials of Local Authors and publications, so that the library can promote meaningful reading recommendations, as well as supports the engagement of Local Authors to participate in major library promotion events as part of enhancing the reading culture.


The corresponding book data database and webpage were launched in April 2020, currently providing 80,000 titles of book data of the local publications from 130 publishers participating in the Pilot Programme for readers’ reference. The book data database has recorded an astonishing usage of over 1 billion cumulative hits since its launch in Apr 2020.


After the successful implementation of the Pilot Programme for the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture, HKRRLS has secured the funding to continue the Programme for another 3-year term. The key deliverables for the renewed Programme will be a comprehensive system upgrade to support payment automation and the ebook management module. These upgrade and additional feature will be the key factor to whether the project can continue to implement efficiently and effectively while supporting the Hong Kong Public Library services.System upgrade details scope of work are listed out in this tender document and will be implemented in phrases from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2026.


Bidder/ Agencies are advised to study this document carefully. Submission of a proposal in response to this notice shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of this document with full understanding of its terms, conditions and implications.


This TENDER DOCUMENT is not transferable and name of purchaser and bidder who submits shall be same.


For and on behalf of

Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society


Dr. Sharon Wong


  1. Instruction to Bidders


2.1 Purpose “TENDER DOCUMENT FOR System Upgrade and Maintenance of the Programme for the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture. This document provides information to enable the bidders to understand the broad requirements to submit their “Bids”.


2.2 Bidder shall send their email as prescribed in to the contact at which the bids are to be submitted. The response to the queries will be replied by email.


2.3 Bidder shall provide the proposal with hardware/software, price, and working logistic for the system upgrade and maintenance. HKRRLS shall examine all documentation and other information submitted by Bidders to verify eligibility, and then will review and score bids according to the defined criteria for this tender.


2.4 HKRRLS reserves the right to reject all bids, and re-tender if no satisfactory bids are submitted.  HKRRLS under no obligation to award the contract or to award it to the lowest bidder.


2.5 Tender must be clearly marked with the tender reference and the subject of the tender on the front of the envelope and super scribe on the sealed envelope by post / in-person, address to the Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, HKRRLS and reach our office before 10 March 2023 17:00 to the following address:


General Manager

Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society

Unit Nos. 909-910,

9/F, Prosperity Millennia Plaza

663 King’s Road, North Point, H.K

Subject : Platform development to Supply and Update of Hong Kong Book Data for seamless integration with HKPL Online Catalogue

Tender Reference No. HKRRLS\20230301\SystemUpgrade


Failure to meet the closing date will result in the tender being void.


2.6 Tender shall remain valid for a period of a minimum of 90 calendar days after the date of the bid submission deadline as prescribed by HKRRLS.


2.7 The covering letter and the proposal duly completed with authorized signature and company chop.

HKRRLS-Tender for System Upgrade & Maintenance-Deadline 10 March 2023







Commencement of Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2022

The Government published in the Gazette today (February 17) the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2022 (Commencement) Notice (the Commencement Notice). The Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2022 (the Amendment Ordinance) will come into operation on May 1.

The Amendment Ordinance updates the Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528) to strengthen copyright protection in the digital environment, including introducing an exclusive technology-neutral communication right for copyright owners and criminal sanctions against infringements of the concerned new right, a “safe harbour” regime for incentivising online service providers (OSPs) to co-operate with copyright owners in combating online piracy, and several new and expanded copyright exceptions (including allowing the use of copyright works in certain common Internet activities, and facilitating online learning and the operation of libraries, museums and archives) to maintain an appropriate balance between copyright protection and reasonable use of copyright works.

The Commencement Notice will be tabled at the Legislative Council for negative vetting on February 22.

To tie in with the operation of the “safe harbour” regime under the Amendment Ordinance, the Government also gazetted today the code of practice which provides practical guidance of the relevant practices and procedures that OSPs may adopt upon being notified of online piracy on their service platforms in accordance with the “safe harbour” regime under the Amendment Ordinance.

The Government will launch a series of publicity and educational activities to enhance awareness and understanding of the Amendment Ordinance amongst various stakeholders and the general public. These include providing relevant information on the Amendment Ordinance on the website of the Intellectual Property Department (www.ipd.gov.hk), distributing promotional leaflets, conducting briefings targeting different stakeholders and launching Announcements in the Public Interest through electronic media.

Upon commencement of the Amendment Ordinance, the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) will continue to step up inspections and enforcement in co-operation with copyright owners. Depending on the circumstances and evidence of individual cases, the C&ED will take enforcement actions in accordance with the Copyright Ordinance as amended to further combat online piracy.

Ends/Friday, February 17, 2023


我們非常榮幸邀請到香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」助理總監曹黎淑霞女士以錄像方式呼籲業界踴躍支持及參與「出版3.0」,亦感謝應用物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心(LSCM) 的專業技術團隊在簡報會上細心解答大家的提問。

2022/23 全港校際尊重版權創作比賽活動延期最新安排


2022/23 全港校際尊重版權創作比賽原定於2022年12月31日截止報名,現延期至 2023年1月31日 截止報名及上載作品,歡迎各位同學踴躍參加🎉🎉🎉。咁同學仔就可以盡情玩埋個聖誕🎄🎄同新年啦🧧🧧!不過係玩嘅時候,都記得要係截止日期之前完成作品呀~😉😉


#全港校際尊重版權創作比賽 獎品非常豐富😍😍,幼稚園、初小、及高小組金獎得主可贏得價值$2,000💰之書券📖,初中、高中及大專組的金獎得主更可贏得價值$4,000💰之數碼產品💻現金禮券!優勝者除咗可以得到豐厚獎品,仲可以出席頒獎禮, 見證黃妍同林奕匡現場為你打氣!✨✨
比賽詳情及網上報名可瀏覽 https://hkrrls202223.ievent.hk/
#知識產權署 香港海關 Hong Kong Customs #全港校際尊重版權創作比賽
Cath Wong 黃妍 林奕匡 Phil Lam
#教育局 香港教育城 EdCity #津貼小學議會 #香港資助小學校長會
#香港津貼中學議會 #補助學校議會 #香港按額津貼中學議會
#香港特殊學校議會 #香港直接資助學校議會 #香港私立學校聯會
#香港出版總會 #香港教育出版專業協會 #印刷媒體專業人員協會 #香港電腦教育學會

2022 LSCM 物流高峰會 |「創科跨越挑戰 締造無限可能」

物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心(下稱「LSCM」)的年度旗艦活動「2022 LSCM 物流高峰會」,展示物流及相關行業之最新科技,協助業界把握未來機遇,於新常態下突圍而出。活動吸引超過1,000人於線上線下同步參與。
請瀏覽「出版3.0–香港智能電子書庫」了解更多計劃詳情。如有興趣參加計劃,使用免費轉換平台的出版社或作家,可以聯絡本會(電話:2516 6268、電郵:Epub3_po@publishers.com.hk)。

「2022/23 年度全港校際尊重版權創作比賽」現已接受報名

由香港書刊版權授權協會主辦,知識產權署及香港海關協辦的2022/23 年度全港校際尊重版權創作比賽現已接受報名。


今屆版權之星林奕匡及黃妍將會為大家打氣,亦會同大家分享創作心得及對版權的見解,大家記得Like & Share香港書刊版權授權協會facebookinstagram @hkrrls ,一齊緊貼比賽消息!


比賽將於2022年12月31號截止報名。詳情請到 https://hkrrls202223.ievent.hk/ 了解更多。


暑假話咁快就過,咁多位同學仔收拾好心情未呢?香港書刊版權授權協會兩年一度嘅 #全港校際尊重版權創作比賽 將於9月內開始接受報名啦!協會希望透過比賽培育學生嘅創意思維,認識創意產業同明白尊重版權嘅重要性。今年仲緊貼數碼潮流,首次以「數碼創作」為主題,各位同學仔記得密切留意協會FacebookIG緊貼最新比賽消息啦~

Kick off Publishing 3.0 to Develop a Smart e-Book Hub for New Era in Local Publishing

The publishing industry is taking a leap forward in digitalisation and intellectualisation, as multimodel reading has been becoming more popular in recent years in particular amid the Covid-19 pandemic. With the support of the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) and sponsored by the Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Hong Kong Publishing Federation (HKPF) ogranises the “Publishing 3.0 – HK Smart e-Book Hub Scheme” (Publishing 3.0) to assist local publishers speeding up their digital transformation. The launch ceremony of Publishing 3.0 was held today to officially call for entries of local publications with a view to establishing the Hong Kong Smart e-Book Hub.

To promote the widespread application of new technologies amongst local publishers, in particular the use of artificial intelligence (AI), Publishing 3.0 seeks to explore and maximise business opportunities in the new era of local publishing and further develop Hong Kong into a regional copyright hub of e-books and audiobooks.

The launch ceremony of Publishing 3.0 held today (21 July) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre was officiated by Mr. Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, together with representative of the organiser, Dr. Elvin LEE Ka-kui, Chairman of the HKPF; sponsor, Mr. Victor TSANG Chiu-hok, Head of CreateHK; and supporting organisation,Ir. Dr. Alan LAM Hiu-fung, Chairman of the LSCM.

In his remarks, Mr. Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung, expressed his appreciation to the HKPF for organising Publishing 3.0, and thanked the LSCM for developing a platform that would enable AI-empowered smart e-book features for e-publishing for the project.

Dr. Elvin LEE Ka-kui, who is also the Chairman of the organising committee of Publishing 3.0 (organising committee), expected the project to infuse a new driving force into local publishing industry. “We hope to see a diverse, intellectualised, creative publishing scene and help our publishers expand their market in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas.”

Publishing 3.0 echoes the HKSAR Government’s initative advocating Art Tech and signifies the perfect integration of technology and creative ideas in local publishing. In addition, Publishing 3.0 will facilitate the set up of a Hong Kong Smart e-Book Hub. Local publishers may use the AI-empowered smart e-book features for e-publishing to convert their Chinese paper publications into Chinese e-books. Furthermore, through the AI system developed by the LSCM, the Chinese e-books can be machine translated into English e-books, while with the application of the Text to Speech technology to be further converted into audiobooks in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.

By encouraging publishers and aspiring writers to utilise this conversion tool to expand their Chinese publications into Chinese and English e-books as well as trilingual audiobooks themselves, Publishing 3.0 can help lower the cost while facilitating Hong Kong publications to explore markets for cultural exchanges.

Mr. POON Chi-wei, Executive Co-Chairman of the organising committee, anticipated that Publishing 3.0 could be a successful case of Hong Kong in combining publishing and technologies. “It will help Hong Kong secure our leading position in Chinese publication and make our creative industries more well-known in the global arena”, he said.

Another Executive Co-Chairman of the organising committee cum Chairman of the Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS), Dr. Sharon Wong Yin-yue, thanked the HKPF for appointing the HKRRLS as the implementation organisation to manage the implementation and promotion of Publishing 3.0. With the formal launch of the project, the HKPF will call for entries of local publications to develop the “HK Smart e-Book Hub”, which will be promoted via various activities locally and internationally. These activities include “Soaring Creativity – Hong Kong Pavilion”* in Mainland and overseas bookfairs, announcement on World Book Day 2023 of the e-Book Hub’s launch, official launch with seminarand exhibition of the e-Book Hub at Hong Kong Book Fair 2023, as well as sharing sessions to be held in a number of large-scale events, etc.More details about Publishing 3.0 will be uploaded to its official website in due course. For more information, please contact the HKRRLS by telephone at 2516 6268 or email: info@hkrrls.org.hk

*“Soaring Creativity – Hong Kong Pavilion” is sponsored by CreateHK of the HKSAR Government.

About Hong Kong Publishing Federation

Hong Kong Publishing Federation founded in 1994. It is the most representative trade organisation of the publishing industry in Hong Kong. Permanent Directors of Federation are Hong Kong Book and Stationery Industry Association Company Limited, The Hong Kong Association of Professional Education Publishing Limited, Educational Booksellers’ Association Limited, Hong Kong Book & Magazine Trade Association Limited, The Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society Limited and Sino Unite Publishing (Holdings) Limited.

The Hong Kong Publishing Federation aims to promote the development of Hong Kong’s creative publishing industry, strengthen industry cohesion, protect industry interests, and foster industry cooperation with its counterparts on the Mainland, Taiwan, Macau and overseas. Hong Kong Publishing Federation is the organiser of the “Publishing 3.0 – HK Smart e-Book Hub” Scheme.

About Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS)

Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society was established in 1995 by Hong Kong authors and publishers. It is one of the six licensing bodies registered with the Copyright Licensing Bodies Registry in Hong Kong, granting licences to the public, including but not limited to primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, various government departments, public institutions, commercial organisations, associations, libraries, photocopying shops, to use the copyrighted works of its represented authors and publishers. It represents millions of publications published in Hong Kong and overseas, via its affiliation with the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations. HKRRLS aims to protect the intellectual property rights of its represented authors and publishers and to raise public awareness of copyright and collective management organisations. The “Publishing 3.0 – HK Smart e-Book Hub” Scheme is managed by Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society.

About CreateHK

Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) is a dedicated office set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in June 2009 to spearhead the development of creative industries in Hong Kong. From 1 July 2022 onwards, it is under the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau. Its strategic foci are nurturing talent and facilitating start-ups, exploring markets, and promoting Hong Kong as Asia’s creative capital and fostering a creative atmosphere in the community.CreateHK sponsors the Hong Kong Publishing Federation to organise various projects, including “Publishing 3.0 – HK Smart e-Book Hub Promotion Scheme”, “The Next Writer Publication Funding Scheme” and “Soaring Creativity – Hong Kong Pavilion”, among others, to promote the sustainable development of Hong Kong’s publishing sector.

About the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM)

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) was founded in 2006 with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund of the HKSAR Government. The Centre is hosted by three leading universities in Hong Kong, namely the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. It aims to strengthen the local logistics sector and related industries by providing a one-stop resource for applied research and technology transfer, and to reinforce cooperation between the industry and research institutes, to bring about meaningful and significant benefits to the industry and the community. LSCM is the supporting organisation of The “Publishing 3.0 – HK Smart e-Book Hub” Scheme. Please visit LCSM’s website (https://www.lscm.hk/eng/) for more information.

Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

Marrakesh Treaty applies to HK

     The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (Marrakesh Treaty) entered into force in China today (May 5), which also applies to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

     A spokesman for the Intellectual Property Department said, “The application of the Marrakesh Treaty to the HKSAR formalises the application of the international standards to the HKSAR, enabling persons with a print disability to enjoy better access to accessible copies of copyright works. It demonstrates and reaffirms our commitment to upholding such international standards for the benefit of the print-disabled population.”

The copyright legislation of the HKSAR is fully in compliance with the standards under the Marrakesh Treaty following the commencement of the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2020 on June 26, 2020, which enhanced the copyright exceptions for persons with a print disability.

The Marrakesh Treaty is an international agreement administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Its main goal is to facilitate and enhance access to copyright works in accessible formats for persons with a print disability. As at March 31, 2022, there were 88 contracting parties to the Treaty.

Details of the Marrakesh Treaty are available at the WIPO’s website (www.wipo.int/marrakesh_treaty/en/).

© The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All Rights Reserved, source GovHK (www.gov.hk)

人間最美四月天,迎來「4.23 香港全民閱讀日」

聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)訂定 4 月 23 日為世界閱讀日,為提升香港文化素質,香港出版總會今年倡議將 4 月 23 日世界閱讀日訂為「香港全民閱讀日」,向社會大眾展示閱讀的意義和價值,當天將首辦「悅讀 12 小時」線上活動。活動已獲得近 300 名人士答允為共同發起人,不同界別團體如學校、家教會、出版界、教育界等超過 80 家機構支持,足證「香港全民閱讀日」倡議備受各界認同。






為隆重其事,4 月 23 日(星期六)「香港全民閱讀日網上起動禮」於早上 11 時 30 分在線上舉行,約中午 12 時即推出「悅讀 12 小時」網上活動,匯集近 100 場閱讀活動,節目內容涵蓋「兒童及青少年」、「中國故事」、「香港故事」、「生活實用」,以及「語言、教育與文化」等,供市民免費參加。與此同時,並有專人設題的「閱讀達人」網上問答比賽,以及名人作家推介圖書的「自家慢讀」分享。以上各項活動,可到「香港全民閱讀日」面書專頁(https://m.facebook.com/cityreadingday.hk)瀏覽,歡迎市民關注和參加。